Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Masters in Public Administration Free Essay Example, 1000 words

27 November The Admissions Committee Master of Public Administration Program of – Dear Evaluator/s, I have the honour to apply to be included in the Master of Public Administration (MPA) program in your esteemed institution. I am NAME, holder of a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice and presently working as a private investigator. I wish to join your MPA program because I aim to pursue a career in the public sector consistent with my personal aspirations, training and past experience. My interest in public administration developed from a desire to substantially contribute to the greater good of the general public. Among my most memorable experiences has been working with adolescent youths in helping them find a greater meaning in their lives. It was, and still is, a source of great joy to inspire these youths to give back to the community by working in homeless shelters and assist in goodwill. Aside from my work with the youth, I also served with the United States Mi litary in different bases, including Fort Irwin, Fort Riley, and 29 Palms, for two years, prior to getting deployed to Afghanistan at the beginning of 2009.We will write a custom essay sample on Masters in Public Administration or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now My experience in the war zone was such a life changing experience that when I came back, my immediate impulse was to return to school with a strong sense of determination to get my life back on track. Full of resolve, I transferred in a year in spring and graduated the following year after spring semester. I took a lot of units and still managed to get good grades and showed great improvement after my transfer. I have some background in the public service, including volunteer work in non-profit agencies. My work for a non-profit organization was in the juvenile hall of the City of San Rafael. I was a case manager for the youth court, and I worked with first-time misdemeanor offenders. I have also done community service for goodwill, and at the Tri-City Homeless Coalition. My work with youth offenders has made me realize that there is much I could do that could make a difference in their future, although many of them are unaware of this. I felt that these young people may grow into adult offenders if people like myself did not intervene at this particular time to point them down a different path. Among the different areas of public administration, I am particularly interested in Public Management and I hope to concentrate in this field. I became interested in the administration of government and non-profit institutions because I had seen both positive and negative aspects in the way the institutions I worked in were run, and having gained some insights on this, I am eager to explore methods and techniques whereby I can apply these ideas.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Development Of Business Management Aptitude - 880 Words

For more than 23 years LSC has earned a solid reputation for providing comprehensive and high quality advisory services to certified small, minority, woman-owned, disadvantaged, veteran, 8(a), etc. businesses. Since the firm’s inception, LSC has placed significant emphasis upon helping businesses advance their long term capabilities while simultaneously pursuing current opportunities. During its tenure, the firm has achieved a track record of developing and implementing a vast array of successful business development, support services, technical assistance consulting, and training for protected class businesses. As a MBE, SBE, and DBE firm and an industry leader in the contracting, employment and community awareness compliance arena, the LSC team is intimately aware of the challenges faced by protected class companies as they navigate competing for contracts associated with both public and private sector opportunities. In response to these challenges, LSC has developed and implemented several programs to support certified firms, focusing on the development of business management aptitude, construction skills such as estimating, bidding, negotiations, marketing, human resource and project management skills. Further, we have helped certified firms develop contractor relationships and access Prime contracting and large subcontracting opportunities. Because we understand the need for contractors to develop sound business and project management practices, we have developedShow MoreRelatedA Research Study On Business Expansion And Globalization1611 Words   |  7 PagesBusiness expansion and globalisation has significantly enhanced the market competition as well as demand of customer due to which it became essential for organisations to improve their employees and business performance. 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Holcaust Essay Example For Students

Holcaust Essay The Holocaust was a tragic event that ended many Jewish lives. The Nazis murdered over 6 million innocent Jews. They tortured so many of them leaving the few Holocaust survivors with horrid memories.Propaganda played a huge role and affected many peoples thinking during this time period. The propaganda was designed to influence the targeted peoples opinions, beliefs, and emotions. Joseph Paul Goebbels was the German national socialist propagandist. He had complete control over radio, press, cinema, and theater. What the propagandist preached may have been either true or false. They did whatever it took to sway the people to believe their ideas. They wanted people to think that their way was right. The Nazis were known for using terms that had literal and actual meaning in their propagandized language. Their thoughts were hammered into peoples brains so they soon became unconsciously thinking the way the Nazis did. The propagandist had rules like our 10 Commandments. The first three were to divide and conquer, tell the people what they want, and the bigger the lie, the more people will believe it. (www.primenet.com/popgnda/goebbels. htm) Like I stated earlier, propaganda was used to sway the ideas and minds of Jews, just like the hoax that took place at Theresienstadt. Theresienstadt was a ghetto concentration camp. It was located in todays Czech Republic. It was suppose to be the model ghetto for the Red Cross. There were rumors about this killing center so the Nazis arranged a hoax. A lot was done to this ghetto; a cafe was created, a childrens opera was performed, a monument was built to honor the dead. When the visitors showed up to inspect the camp they had music playing in the background and a beauty garden was planted at the entrance. All of these things and more were done so that the Red Cross would be persuaded that Theresienstadt was not a killing center. This event did persuade the Red Cross, just like how the Nazi propaganda persuaded many of the Jews.